It is said lightning struck three times on the night Diaki Takida was born. The first time, it heralded his birth as he came silently into the world. The second took the life of his mother, the rolling thunder leaving a shadow of death in its wake. The third and final fork of lighting tore into the land as the midwife handed the newborn to his father, along with the solemn news that his love had died. As his father howled his grief, Diaki Takida found his voice. Together they cried for the wife and mother they had lost.

Diaki is a solemn soul. He has dedicated his life to pursuing death so that he might finally become its master. Standing over six feet, he is lean, muscular and sallow-faced, with deep-set haunted eyes. Diaki possesses preternatural poise and balance, capable of such swiftness his movement can easily defy the eye.
Chosen Weapon
Diaki fights with a twin-tipped Naginata, one end long and wickedly sharp, like the traditional spear of the clan, the other flattened and sharpened to create a scythe-like blade.