Legend has it that Kaito Kanzaki was taught how to sail the oceans by an aspect of Chinami herself. This is a rumor the mariner is more than happy to play up to, as it marks him as one apart from the clan and touched by the Shin’rei. In truth, he learned everything he knows from a pirate who, in his time, was the scourge of the high seas, and eventually executed by the emperor’s father. That pirate’s name was Kaito Kanzaki… so who, truly, is the merchant lord of the Aranami?

Barrel-chested, with a thick thatch of white beard, Kaito is a physically powerful man, though his true strength lies not in muscle but in the sheer intensity of his presence. He radiates such incredible power that those near him cannot help but be affected by it. He inspires everyone around him to greatness, and with Kaito at their side they become capable of feats beyond their previous endurance. He is a man who leads by example, asking nothing of his crew that he would not willingly do himself.
Chosen Weapon
Kaito wields a harpoon with wickedly barbed talons, capable of gutting an enemy as easily as spearing the day’s catch.