The High Priest of the Windcallers, Kingo is young for one so exalted among the mystics of the clan. His power over the winds is unprecedented: it is said he is able to call upon the storm winds at will and wields the power of Arashi herself.

Kingo is tall, even for his people, and so thin that behind his back other priests joke about his own winds being capable of snapping him in two, and yet his command over the elements is undeniable. His entire right side is inked with tattoos of wind elementals blowing and raging. White hair flows down his back, reaching his waist, and when he draws upon the wind it rises, seeming to come alive behind him. He walks barefoot, to better connect with the earth and remain grounded even as he draws upon the air to do his bidding. His eyes are piercing ice blue, and his fingers long and gnarled from clawing at the wind and bending it to his will.
Chosen Weapon
Kingo Hanari carries no weapon. To resort to a blade is to have lost the fight already.