Midori is amongst the most fearsome of the Denshō kishi. She claims that her mother was slain by a demon during her birth, and that the demon spared her, but at a cost. A slither of its rage-filled soul clawed its way inside her, along with the word “vengeance”. This, she says, explains the fire of her temper and the shortness of her patience. Whether or not this is true doesn’t matter: the terror it inspires when she claims to be the Mondesu, the gateway to the afterlife, is very, very, real.

Despite her diminutive figure, this warrior is so much more fearsome than she appears, a truth known by all who face her. Her skin is marred with a peculiar birthmark, which renders several of the veins in her neck, throat and face seemingly black beneath the skin. This disfigurement fuels the legend of the demon inside her. There is not an ounce of fat on Midori, and her muscles are as strong as tempered steel. Gifted with incredible poise, she possesses the grace of a dancer and the killer instinct of a legendary slayer.
Chosen Weapon
Midori fights with twin katanas, both blades marked with a similar black web as the birthmark across her face. She claims the blades talk to her, and very few would dare dispute that to her face.