Long, long ago, there was a battle. Warriors of the second age descended upon a forest devoted to the Yasei, and cut countless of them down. The survivors fled across the sea, the currents guiding them into a welcoming harbor. Construction of their new home was swift, but the people were paranoid that the war of the Shin’rei would reach their home. Minatoshima respected other, older gods.
When the Shin’rei did indeed come, the population of Minatoshima were all but destroyed. The island was uninhabited for years, and in 860 T-K, the new migrants to the islands, amidst constructing fishing villages and farms, found countless statues, and temples filled with the dead. Shortly after, many of the settlers, the noblewoman Natsuko Kira among them, began to disappear. In truth, Kira’s cult was sacrificing them, performing rituals believed to empower their priestess, who would later to come to rule Ikaiguchi.

For a long time, Minatoshima’s strategic merit outweighed its notoriety. Building from the work of the Yasei survivors who first inhabited it, settlers made the island into the breadbasket of the Islands, with ships leaving its harbor to deliver grain across the islands. Yet, in recent history, it has been home to a massacre. The emperor’s forces died in droves, many turning to stone and leaving the rest maddened. Now, as a thick fog rolls across the island, Minatoshima is considered lost for good.