To fortify herself against the venom of her pets, the Mistress of Gardens allowed herself to be bitten over and over again by the most potent and poisonous of the species, their poisons taking her to the edge of death, before she crafted antivenoms to neutralize them from her own blood. It is said there isn’t a snake alive that has venom poisonous enough to still her heart.

Seldom seen without a white constrictor around her neck, the Mistress of Gardens’ skin is covered with the pockmarks and scars from a childhood sickness, though there are those who claim it is the result of allowing all of her ‘children’ to bite her over and over. She wears a porcelain mask to hide her facial deformities. An elderly woman now, her white hair comes down to her waist, and is often a nest for smaller snakes that live coiled up in there, making it appear at times as though she has serpents for hair.
Chosen Weapon
The Hidarizukai relies upon subterfuge and artifice, as opposed to weapons of war. She is a mistress of venoms, and wields a poisoned dagger shaped like a serpent’s fang.