Moriko is the current Seihaiiro, the overseer of the clan, called the Grey Mind. She is already two years into the ritual that preserves her immortal soul within the cage of bones that is her current body, barely subsisting on a diet of water and a few chosen herbs. Her skin is hardening day by day, taking on a leathery scalelike texture, leaving her gaunt with no muscle between skin and bone. It is expected that her mortal body will fail her soon, and she will finally be granted immortality.

Moriko looks like nothing more than a living corpse. Her skin is desiccated and leathery, stretched over hollow bones like ill-fitting rags. Her hair, the little that remains, is in tangled clumps. Her breathing is barely perceptible. She does not talk, or in any way interact with the waking world, though it is believed she has the ability to reach out into the dreams of pilgrims who come in search of her wisdom.
Chosen Weapon
Knowledge is the keenest weapon, and the Long Wait is how it is mastered. The Grey Mind’s soul lies dormant within her cage of bones, waiting for the call to return. During an hour of dire need, she can return to a body, younger flesh surrendering to the influence of a mind so very, very, old.