He was once a child of the tunnels, formed from the filth and refuse that spills down from the world above, and made his home amid the detritus of humanity. With no family, and no ties to the world above, Nezumi fears the light of the outside world, but inside the tunnels he is the undisputed master. It is said that his stunted growth is caused by a lack of nourishment in his childhood, and his hunched, rat-like features are a sure sign of his decay: he has become something less than human.

Nezumi is small for a man, and he scurries rather than walks, his nose and mouth twitching constantly as he reads the stench of the tunnels for danger. His features show the spread of corruption: perhaps his parents made him an offering to something foul, the touch of which has never left his body. He forged a true life down here in the tunnels, where he is as respected as any daimyo. Nezumi is a feral man, wears rags scavenged from amidst the detritus found floating among the tunnels.
Chosen Weapon
He fights with tooth and nail, biting and scratching like a man possessed. Living in the filth as he does, Nezumi’s scratches and bites carry with them the risk of infection and disease from the filth of the tunnels.