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Yuki and Kazuhiro

Yuki and Kazuhiro are the Funkazan’s greatest Ashigaru, and Ikaiguchi’s most infamous duo. Wielding a great flamecannon between the two of them, they are joked about in Funkazan banquets with adoration.

Midori Izumi

The Loreguards of the Kioku (the Denshō kishi) are amongst the fiercest warriors of the clan, and Midori is the fiercest of them. Some say she is demonic, but others say she thirsts for vengeance with a fire that matches any hell.

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Tansho Iwasa

For centuries the sharpshooters of the clan have been proficient in the use of black powder weapons. These specialists are able to spy their targets from up to a mile away, and Tansho Iwasa has the best sight of them all.


Greatest of all Kumo Giman is Sagiuebu. What happens in the world above, she hears, and sends word to Taniguchi, the leader of the Kumo. Spy, information broker, and assassin all, she represents the versatility of the Kumo.

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Hotaro Kanzaki 

The Obake are born with the ability to skinshift – embodying the physical properties of their chosen animal avatar. Among them, Hotaro is famed for his might, the great white ape coming time and time again to the forest’s aid.

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Naysuko Nagao 

As one of the Forge Fathers of the Funkazan, Nayusa Nago is a Clan Daimyo, tasked with defending the smiths who operate within his purview, and dispatching samurai as needed.


The island of Minatoshima has long been fertile, and long been unlucky. First populated as a refuge by devotees of Shizen, the island’s history is one of struggle with stone plagues and disappearances.

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Tochi no Kizuato

The tochi no Kizuato are great geoglyphs that scar the ground around the Hebi-gawa, in some places even being filled by the clear water of the river. Viewed from far above, they resemble arachnids and other creatures.

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Kōyō Bridge

Kōyō Bridge is a floral bridge of ironwood that spans the widest part of the Hebi Gawa river. The living bridge changes color with the seasons: blooming poppy red in summer, green in autumn and spring, brown in winter.

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