On the day that the last leviathan was slain by Kaito Kanzaki, Ren Nakajima came into her power. It is said the two events are inextricably linked, with the Salt Seer being afflicted with her first glimpse of the future when the blood of the great beast splashed across her face and hands as she worked alongside her mother, gutting and fileting the creature for the coming feast. What she saw in the curing salts shook her clan to its very core: the sinking of one of the great Aranami floating cities, thousands of dead floating in the water to be consumed by a creature from the deep.

Ren Nakajima is rare amongst the clan, for she was born with copper coloured hair, and eyes to match. She is a slight young woman, standing little over five feet tall, who dresses in somber-coloured kimonos. A month after her first vision, she burned her own eyes out for fear of what she might see with them, but her infected sockets only served to strengthen Ren’s otherworldly senses, making her visions much more potent than they might otherwise have been.
Chosen Weapon
Ren does not fight. Instead, she has a protector, Kiota Ikagami, one of the famed Nikuya. He has dedicated his life to her and is always by her side.