Sagiuebu is chief of spies under the command of Taniguchi. No whispers evade the rat-featured woman’s ear. She knows everyone and everything that happens in the land above, and how best the clan can exploit them for its own advantage. She has more than a thousand spies in her network, and between them, they know every single secret of Ikaiguchi.

Sagiuebu is a middle-aged woman, who dresses like a geisha —because men always underestimate such women. She is neither beautiful nor plain, but would describe herself as interesting. Within the folds of her robes she hides all manner of things, including the tools of subterfuge: makeup, and poisons, as well as masks, a hood, silk gloves, and more. She keeps little birds that she whispers to and sends on their way, and some might insist, against all sense, that they pass on messages to the Kumo.
Chosen Weapon
Sagiuebu believes in stealth over brute force, but when forced into close combat, utilizes needle-thin daggers that she wears in her hair to hold it in place.