Seijitoshi is the primary dominion of the Hatsuki. Within the borders, it includes their Chapter House as well as several other key locations fundamental to the clan. Hanashi, the City of Flowers, lies at the heart of the Go-wa, with a spiral of roads that lead out into specially cultivated forest apothecaries, which offer the Hatsuki alchemists access to all manner of rare, beautiful and deadly natural herbs and toxins.
The greatest of these forests is known to many as Dokuen (the Poison Garden, for its plethora of poisons that grow within its dark places). The very heart of the dark wood is simply known as Byōki, the Sickness. That should in itself be enough to tell any traveller everything they need to know about the ancient wildwood.

The second great forest, Inochiryoku no niwa, is very much the antithesis of its twin, named for the many regenerative and restorative herbs that flourish within its boundaries.