The Ashikuzai was not born of flesh and blood but was woven into existence from the stuff of the shadows itself, which allows this lethal assassin to blend effortlessly with their surroundings. Some say the Shadow Fox is a man so beautiful he could be mistaken for a woman, others that she is a woman with the raw masculinity of a perfectly sculpted warrior’s statue, with every muscle exquisitely crafted from the stone, making her harder than mere flesh, and capable of passing easily as a man. Male or female, it does not matter, the Shadow Fox is lethal.

The Ashikuzai is never seen without the bone-white mask of a fox hiding their features. It is assumed the Shadow Fox’s hair is silver, for the bonded locks that flow down to their waist, but some believe those are actually part of the mask and headdress and obscure the assassin’s true identity, enabling them to move throughout the ranks of society with ease, unknown, seducing and murdering their way to the darkest and most intimate secrets of the emperor’s court. The assassin wears a second face—another porcelain mask—on the hip, although this one is a death mask, possessing neither male nor female features. It is claimed that the mask is a merging of the features of the Shadow Fox’s first victims, but the truth of that is as much a legend as the origins of the assassin themselves.
Chosen Weapon
The Shadow Fox wields a wicked katana.