Far from civilization lie the Tochi no Kizuato, a number of immense geoglyphs carved into the land itself, so deep that the scars will never heal, and the foliage will never reclaim them. So large that the gods can surely see them from the heavens, they are said to be messages to the departed Shin’rei, though what they say has long since been lost.

From the highest points of the world, some parts of the land scars look to be stylistic depictions of arachnids and other creatures. Those who wander too close to the Tochi no Kizuato find themselves plagued with dark dreams and suffering from twisted visions. A pall is cast over the eyes, the skin grows taut, exhaustion creeps into every waking moment. It’s no surprise that they are so isolated, for the symptoms are cruel indeed.
The Hebi-Gawa, Serpent River, runs dry within the deep scars, causing many to believe they somehow share a link with the Soseki stone and the Crane House itself.