It is said that Toyoko Tsuyoken is as one with the flame of the great forge, and should it ever burn out, she too will leave this world. Her seat upon the Anvil Throne and her weapon — the sacred nagamaki of the Sun Queen — marks her as the heart of the Funkazan. For that reason, one of the most sacred duties of the clan includes the tending of the sacred flame, to ensure that the Queen of the Hearths shall live forever.

Toyoko Tsuyoken is reputed to be forged from the ore of the mountains themselves, resolute and flinty. She will not shy away from the hard decisions of life and death, and will always put the good of the clan ahead of her own self-interest. Her eyes are as vital as any gemstone hewn from the mountain, and glitter with the intensity of the forge flames she is mistress of.
Chosen Weapon
Toyoko wields the sacred nagamaki of the Sun Queen, a fabled weapon amongst the Funkazan.