When the Funkazan march to war, it is with their ashigaru in the vanguard. Though they have pikemen and bows like any other clan, it is the Drakefuries that give the clan their dread reputation. Most famous — and most lethal — of them all are Yuki and Kazuhiro. As Kazuhiro points their flamecannon at the foes, disciplined and precise, Yuki works the bellows, enthusiasm driving her where strength alone cannot. Between each bout of fire, the typical non-stop chattering of the latter to the former can be heard briefly, before the roar of flame once again overwhelms it.

Kazuhiro is a giant. Nearly seven feet tall, the man was trained in the forges, and has the great strength to match it. Quiet almost to the point of silence, his slow movements give him a muted invisibility. Thoughtful, accurate, and strong, Kazuhiro watches, but when he speaks, everyone listens.
Everyone, that is, except Yuki, for she doesn’t listen to anyone. The woman is perhaps half her companion’s height, and brilliantly passionate. At the forge or at war, every possible improvement is espoused, disregarded, sworn at, and ultimately added to her arsenal. Her fingers show the cost of this dynamism, but there is no doubt she has one of the best minds of the Funkazan.
Chosen Weapon
The duo wield an immense flamecannon, larger than many of those already terrifying weapons, with the muzzle forged into the mouth of a mighty wyrm that spits flame at all who stand against them, the very embodiment of drakefury.